Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Get That Woman Off The Dance Floor!

My knee is acting up.

Not that I'm looking for sympathy, mind you. Oh, no, I brought this on myself, playing DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) barefoot with my kids for the last couple of weeks. I guess 40-something women who still have a few pounds to lose shouldn't be mucking with that stuff.

But hell, t'was only five years ago I was tearing up the dance floors at some of the more fashionable night clubs at Mall of America every other weekend...with my hip-hugging, butt-crack-displaying, ultra-tight-with-the-funky-see-through-rivets-down-the-sides, oh-so-fashionable blue jeans. And heels, even!

Five years ago. That's not really that long.

Bloody hell, I'm not ready to get old yet. Bind up the knee, pop some ibuprofen, order up a properly padded dance pad upon which I can wear my ultra-supportive sneakers, and fire up the Playstation, folks, this old gal's not ready for the glue factory yet! Not without a fight, that is. The Barrister better watch out. His high score is in real danger now...

Writing Prompt: When I was a kid, I thought that when I grew up I would be this solemn, serious person with all this wisdom. Imagine my surprise to find that I don't feel a whole lot different at 42 than I did at 19! My mother confirms that she doesn't feel a whole lot different at 68 than she did at 19, other than those annoying aches and pains. The people I know who have truly aged gracefully have remained young at heart. Whatever your true age, what things do you do that make you feel young at heart?


Monica Cassani said...

oh dancing with your kids sounds great! I've always thought that video dancing stuff sounds really good....that's what you're talking about right? Of course right now I couldn't dance in any case....

I still feel 20 as well. My mom has said the same thing.

I certainly wouldn't do a lot of the things I did when I was young anymore...I have matured at least...

but get dressed up for dancing all night?? If I had the energy, hell, yeah!

Jazz said...

Ya, DDR is a playstation video game that comes with a dance plays music and these symbols fly up the screen at alarming velocities telling you where to put your feet...and your score depends on how accurately you are able to do this...sort of like a high-tech Twister game on speed...But it really gets your heart rate up, and it's fun and addictive in the way that all of those intermittent-positive-reinforcement video games are! I figure it might help me lose the last 15 lbs I'm trying to shed.

Dancing all night was awesome! Of course, nowadays, I imagine the sheer volume of the music would drive me away whimpering...

Coco said...

Oh Jazz, that sounds so good to me! Your poor knee, but how wonderful that you have the inclination and ability to kick up your heels with your kids. THAT is a beautiful thing in my opinion. You might just need to do some stretching before putting on your dancing shoes! My 9yo daughter Tasha is sooo into music and loves to dance, I think this might be a good investment for the summer for those 'indoor days'. So it's for PS2? Take care of that knee, so you can get back at it! I turn 41 this year, so yeah... I hear ya!

Monica Cassani said...

Oh...I wasn't thinking about the NOISE problem....

but again...when I feel fit to dance again, maybe I'll be fit to hear a lot of noise too!

I might not like the music out there these days either...

I stopped dancing when I met my husband...he doesn't dance...I was a total maniac for the dance floor...actually I could dance to anything too!!

the old days...
I'll check in later...gotta go off with mom now...

Clueless said...

Your story made me laugh because I relate. However, I am sorry about your knee. Five years at our age makes a difference and with weight gain mine too because of medication, it is so much more difficult. The body doesn't move or recover the way it did five years ago.

I feel that I am forty-something and proud of it! I like the maturity, respect and experiences that I've earned. However, sometimes I act like a 20 something. Wish my body felt that way. Ouch, what was that crack in my shoulder...heehee.

Jazz said...

Yeah, I can't see me having done any of that when I was on meds...or when I weighed 200 lbs. It just wouldn't have happened!

You can get DDR for Playstation 2--I think that's the platform that has the most games available for it. I believe it is also out for Wii and for Playstation 3, although I think there's only one game each for those consoles...still, one might well be enough. We have two different games, but the kids are still playing the first one we got, DDR Max.

The only problem I have with it is that you are supposed to dance barefoot on the soft pad you buy to go along with the game...and with all the trouble I've had with my feet, I dare not tempt fate and dance barefoot too I ordered a metal dance pad that I can wear shoes on. It should be here tomorrow...I can't wait!

I think it might have been the jumps that got to my knee...I played again last night, being mindful of how I jumped, and it feels a lot better this morning! Getting old is hell

Jazz said...

and I'm not going down without a fight! Kicking and screaming the whole way...

Jazz said...

My hubby doesn't dance, either. I used to go dancing with a group of girlfriends. In fact, I didn't even consider a dance for our wedding because he refused to participate. Oh well.

Jazz said...

Yeah, five years is a lot at our age, I guess. I like to think I'm only as young as I feel...but then again, sometimes I feel like I'm pushing 80!

sbwrites said...

I love this essay, and I'm so sorry about your knee. I believe that we're as old as we feel and act. Our kids certainly keep us young, but there's another element--which is--what new things do we do to add fun, creativity, intellectual stimulation, and laughter to our lives?

Last week was my first "voice training" class in years. When my teacher said, "You have a really strong voice, when was the last time you sang in a group or a class?" I said, "When I was 13 years old (and I'm 58)!

He laughed aloud and so did I.


Jazz said...

I think it's awesome that you are trying new things (and reviving old interests). All of that fun, creative, different stuff keeps us interested, challenged, and YOUNG AT HEART!

Annie said...

Jazz, I have fun creating the image of dancing. I have back problems but enjoy working out at a gym. Maybe one day I can dance again. Great post. Mall America..I used to live near this area. Annie

Jazz said...

That was one of the worst parts about putting on weight and having so much trouble with my feet, was having to give up dancing. I love dancing, and it's a great way to keep fit. I didn't even need a club...I'd just crank up the stereo (after the house was empty, of course!) and go for it.