Wednesday, October 8, 2008

The Pinnacle of Creativity

In a daring move, demonstrating that I am currently at the pinnacle of creativity, I have (dramatic music) invented a new knitting stitch! The stitch was created out of absolute necessity, and I'm sure it will take the knitting world by storm.

The new stitch is called Remove Ubiquitous Dog Hair, and is abbreviated RUDH. It is performed by gripping the offending dog hair between thumb and forefinger without losing tension on your yarn, and then yanking hard, with a few colourful words thrown in for good measure.

With this new stitch in place, the lace row on the wrap I'm making now becomes, K2tog (3x), K1, yo, RUDH, K1, yo, RUDH...and so on. It's quite exciting to be the inventor of a new stitch, you know.

Of course, there is always the question of what to do with the piles of Ubiquitous Dog Hair once I've finished a knitting project. In keeping with the spirit of my frugal upbringing, I'm considering the benefits of learning how to hair sweater, anyone?


sbwrites said...

Wow! As your knitting disciple, this is just another reason I'm so pleased to have you as my mentor!

Jazz said...

Yes, Susan, it's quite exciting to be on the cutting edge. I'm thinking of developing a version of this stitch for cat hair and dwarf hamster hair as well. What do you think?

sbwrites said...

All good ideas! You will surely have a corner on this market!

Tamara (TC) Staples said...

At any given time I have piles of UDH all over anything and everything in my house. So, if you decide on the sweater and need extra UDH just let me know.

Jazz said...

Ooh, how sneaky of you...encouraging me to knit the dog hair sweater so you can get rid of some of your UDH!

...what colour UDH?

susan said...

Hey Jazz,

Your knitting stories and upcoming winter have inspired me to sign up for a beginners knitting class.

My inspiration is you and my grandma's afghan she made for me when I went to college.

Jazz said...

Hey, that's awesome! It's not nearly as hard as I thought it was, and you can make some pretty cool looking stuff with just the basic stitches...I'm currently thinking about socks...but I'm not sure if I'm brave enough to try them...

Tamara (TC) Staples said...


Ooh, your interested enough to ask color. This is good. Mainly white with some reddish/brown. They are papillons. I can ship...just let me know!


In your foray into knitting, if you want to try the leading edge RUDH stitch invented by Jazz, I can also ship you some UDH.


Jazz said...

I bet Susan already has a ton of UCH from her cats...and I can't imagine having to change the stitch overly much for cat hair...I'm sure it behaves pretty much the same as dog know...everywhere, all the time, like between your teeth and all over the freshly washed cutting boards...